Friday, February 28, 2020

Effects of Music and the Media on Culture and Society Essay

Effects of Music and the Media on Culture and Society - Essay Example In fact, with the growing acceptance of music within the American society, many musicians, composers, and singers have emerged and created their style of music according to their preferred genres. The role of music has given the American society a tool for inspiration, amusement, and encouragement to utilize the musical abilities of the people. However, the effects of music in the society have negated because of how it influences aggressive thoughts, feelings, and actions especially the portrayals of the artists in music videos. According to researches, majority of members of the society who listen to music are the young people, in which music plays a significant role in their teenage lives. Specifically, American adolescents mostly listen to kinds of music such as hip-hop, gangster music, rap, and heavy metal that have a significant impact to the minds and behaviors among youth. For example, teenagers who are fond in listening rap music or gangster music tend to dress themselves as a rapper or gangster based on how music videos display its genre. Hence, despite the fact that music has brought racial unity in the American society, it had also brought negative impacts especially to the minds of the young people in America (â€Å"The Negative Effects†). The Role of Media The media have been used by people all over the world, from a different race, culture, socioeconomic status, and also across ages because of how it served as a tool for knowledge, teaching, amusement, and advertising. The media are responsible for delivering credible and reliable stories, news, and facts to the people around the world. Accordingly, the principal role of media... This report approves that the American society had used media as a tool for entertainment and information through books, films, televisual entertainment, periodicals, advertisements, and online networking. Accordingly, the American society is principally molded by the functional role of media within the lives of the people. Nowadays, the most utilized and influential technology for media is the internet because of how it provides all the portrayal of information and amusements. Furthermore, television is widely used in the society because of its accessibility by the people and attracting more preference rather than listening to a radio or reading periodicals. The media portray different kinds of information that could alter or create different perspective in the minds of the people. For example, people in the society would perceive that the figure of a model is what the society wants, and in turn, tend to have similar figure of the model. This essay amkes a conclusion that music and media have both gained popularity within the American society and became part of the American culture. However, the role of music and media had become stronger and had influenced most of the culture and society in America. Particularly, the existence of music has created an American culture and society that respects different races or ethnicities as people get along through the desire of creating wonderful music. Moreover, the media have created an American culture and society of independence and also the freedom in expressing information that are important for the American people. Hence, the music and media have the important role in shaping the culture and society to the best interest of the people.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Gender And Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gender And Power - Essay Example It is in this regards that the paper presents a detailed analysis of the trio to provide a clear cut difference while at the same time initiating various developments in each sector. An examination of gender presents many underlying factors that require a strategy for successful initiation of equality. Gender imbalance remains a common activity in many societies with women disadvantaged while making decisions and carrying out various activities. The roadmap in the gender sector involves achieving equality by addressing six key areas of the society. Employment remains a vital area of consideration in order to achieve gender sustainability (Disch 45). This involves giving equal chances to both the genders with women given equal chances as men. An analysis of labor market points out that there is a structural difference of 15 percent between men and women. The gap continues to widen due to structural inequalities with only 30 percent of women existing as entrepreneurs. This is because, â€Å"Welfare reform is only one dimension of the shrinkage of social support systems from federal and state assistance. The shrinkage of social support is not only affecting the very poor† (Disch 61). For improvement in gender, attempts to increase the percentages become a priority in a road map to achieve a balance. Notably, poverty becomes another crucial element to be addressed to bridge the gap as these leads to heath risks and lack of sustainability power. Since there is an interrelation between gender race and class, improvement of gender without race and class will be invalid. It in this regards that race and class gets addresses while creating employment positions. Young black women for instance find it difficult, to make decisions while at the same time securing employment. Race draws a line in many activities dictating who should be doing what and who should be entering in which place. This is because, â€Å"complex array of antiblack practices, the unjustly gaine d political-economic power of whites†¦ and the white racial ideologies and attitudes created to maintain and rationalize white privilege and power† (Disch 82) Racial analysis is, therefore, a fundamental aspect as it determines many things in the society. For a black boy to secure a place in school, for example, many conditions are given as compared to white children. Consequently, it becomes difficult for a black person to secure an employment opportunity as compared to a white person. In developing countries, white gets treated with respects as compared to how blacks get treated in the same positions. This, therefore, dictates that race play a significant role in the society that needs mainstreaming in order to provide sustainability. The relation of this aspect to gender and class further complicates it as due to its substantial role in determining and dictating success of other avenues. Class is a common phenomenon in the society, which also play a significant role in either motivating racial discrimination or gender disparity. According to research, â€Å"The United States is in the midst of a sizable redistribution of wealth, with a greater concentration of wealth and income in the hands of a few than at most previous periods of time† (Disch 103) People of high class get preferential treatment in every class. This is the same to race where people from a given class of race find privileges than others. This calls for a question with no answer but steps.